As a fiction writer, Jennifer R. Povey has short fiction credits from a number of magazines including Analog, as well as publishers including Third Flatiron and Flame Tree Publishing. She is currently working on her fifth novel, the fourth book in the Lost Guardians series.
As a freelancer, she offers quality, human-readable web content and copy to individuals and businesses at reasonable rates. She also writes articles and guest blog posts on a variety of subjects, but specializes in material related to fiction writing, equestrian activities and travel. She also provides proofreading and basic copy editing services.
She also has a number of credits in the RPG industry, having written or co-written supplements for Fat Goblin Games, Rite Publishing, Dark Naga Games, Flaming Crab Games, Avalon Game Company, and others.
She also enjoys horseback riding, travel, role-playing games and hanging out with her highly supportive and wonderful husband, Greg.
Jen, I’d like to see your site on my phone. If you’re using WordPress. Maybe you want to switch to a responsive theme. Free, easy and doesn’t change your content.
Erik , member of F.O.G.
There’s technical problems getting those to work on this server. Once we have those resolved I plan on changing themes.