Gallant Knight Games has now released Tiny Supers, the superhero setting for their TinyD6 system. (What’s tiny about it is the ruleset). This book contains their own setting and a bunch of “micro-verses” – small settings you can slot into your own idea, one of which was written by me. You can get the PDF […]
Posts in the RPG Supplements category:
New Release: Call To Arms: Horses And Mules
Okay, here it is! I’ve been working on this one for a while. Call To Arms: Horses And Mules is a Pathfinder supplement designed to expand and improve rules for using horses and other equines as mounts, monsters and, basically, to encourage doing things with the party’s horses other than tethering them outside the dungeon […]
New Releases
Two new releases to announce: The first is CLASSifieds: The Hussar This is my first supplement release for Fat Goblin Games, co-written with Lucus Palosaari. The Hussar class is a variant archetype for the Cavalier designed for light cavalry and mounted archers. The blurb says it better than I can here. Get it for your […]
Strange Voyages PDF Released!
The PDF of Strange Voyages has now been released. The year is 1575, in the reign of Elizabeth I. All of Europe is eager to find new lands, new sources of fame and wealth, and belief in myth and legend is still alive. STRANGE VOYAGES will tell the story of a grand ship and a […]
Strange Voyages!
Like Star Trek? Like sailing ships? Intrigued by mythology? It’s time to get your crew together and sail beyond the horizon in Strange Voyages, coming soon from Occult Moon. You are Renaissance era explorers, seeking wealth, glory, and adventure – but the lands you seek are not a New World, but an ancient one – […]
Sci-Toys #6: The People of Anamere
A recently discovered system, Anamere, holds a primitive race on a beautiful, tropical water world – that also happens to be well endowed with minerals and biological treasures. Will a simple anthropological survey mission to find out more about the water-loving Anamians remain simple, or will it turn into something quite different? They might even […]
Release Announcement: Captain’s Logs from the Sandbox 03
So, it’s finally out and available through RPG Now. Check out the writeup on Occult Moon’s site here. Also, Michael Garcia, the wonderful owner of Occult Moon has a minor financial crisis going on right now. Anything you can buy from them would help him out big time.
Upcoming Release
I’ve been doing some work for an RPG company called Occult Moon. Specifically, I’ve contributed number 3 of their ‘Captain’s Logs from the Sandbox’ series. (They also have ‘Toys from the Sandbox’, which are fantasy). These are brief scenarios designed to provide adventure hooks and are completely system independent…you can use them with any system […]