I have produced or contributed to the following RPG supplements, all available through RPGNow/DriveThruRPG.com.
Fat Goblin Games:
Avalon Game Company:
Heroes Weekly Vol 5, Issue #1, Improper Channels
Heroes Weekly, Vol 5, Issue #6, Bridey Ross
Heroes Weekly, Vol 5, Issue #9, Saving Birdy Ross
Heroes Weekly, Vol 5, Issue #10, Finch
Heroes Weekly, Vol 5, Issue #12, AvarTech
Heroes Weekly, Vol 5, Issue #13, Under the Waves
Heroes Weekly, Vol 5, Issue #14, Dart
Heroes Weekly, Vol 5, Issue #16, Dolovia
Heroes Weekly, Vol 5, Issue #17, Unwanted Assistance
Heroes Weekly, Vol 5, Issue #18, Firestarter
Heroes Weekly, Vol 6, Issue #2, Nightshade
Flaming Crab Games:
Letters from the Flaming Crab: Here There Be (tiny) Dragons
Letters from the Flaming Crab: Her Story
Occult Moon:
Strange Voyages – FATE Core worldbook takes players to “Star Trek on the High Seas.”
Captain’s Logs from the Sandbox 03: The Mining Colony on Elkos IV – system-free adventure hooks.
Captain’s Logs from the Sandbox 06: The People of Anamere II