Sci-Toys #6: The People of Anamere

A recently discovered system, Anamere, holds a primitive race on a beautiful, tropical water world – that also happens to be well endowed with minerals and biological treasures. Will a simple anthropological survey mission to find out more about the water-loving Anamians remain simple, or will it turn into something quite different? They might even […]

Release Announcement: Captain’s Logs from the Sandbox 03

So, it’s finally out and available through RPG Now. Check out the writeup on Occult Moon’s site here. Also, Michael Garcia, the wonderful owner of Occult Moon has a minor financial crisis going on right now. Anything you can buy from them would help him out big time.

Upcoming Release

I’ve been doing some work for an RPG company called Occult Moon. Specifically, I’ve contributed number 3 of their ‘Captain’s Logs from the Sandbox’ series. (They also have ‘Toys from the Sandbox’, which are fantasy). These are brief scenarios designed to provide adventure hooks and are completely system independent…you can use them with any system […]

Mystic Punk Funding Campaign

L.D. Tidwell is putting together a wonderful anthology based off of what he calls ‘Mystic Punk’. Think urban fantasy and magic realism mixed with cyberpunk and social protest. The anthology is being crowdfunded through and donations are very welcome. There are quite a few perks, including signed copies of the book and assistance promoting […]