Western/dark fantasy short story “That Blasted Horse” has been purchased by the “Untied Shoelaces of the Mind” e-zine.
Bright Ladies on Enchanted Spark website
My short story “Bright Ladies” won the April Enchanted Spark Photo Flare contest and is now live on their website. This is a completely free (and quick) read! Find it here.
FISH now available in Print
The Dagan books FISH anthology, which contains my short story “Water Demons” is now available in paperback through Amazon. Buy your copy here:
It’s live! Please check out the direct buy link below. It’s finally here and with us. I feel like a proud parent. Get your copy here.
Two Sales to Deepwood Publishing
Deepwood Publishing has purchased two of my short stories. The first, a dark fantasy called “Maiden, Tower, Catacomb” will be in their “The Death God’s Chosen” anthology, a collection of stories about necromancers and undead. Meanwhile, “The City Over Hell” will be in their “Ruined Cities” which focuses on what it’s like to live in […]
Look what I have…
Why, yes, that is cover art. That is awesome cover art. (And if you can make it to Balticon, I might even have a bookmark of it for you). Thank Kelly Shorten of Musa Publishing for her amazing work.
“Contact” at Monster Corral
Read this wonderful piece of flashfic right here. While you’re there check out some of the other monster-themed stories, not all of them strictly horror. (Although I wouldn’t want to meet that dog on a dark night.
Universe Horribilis
Now available on Amazon and Smashwords. Awesome anthology. Get your copy right now.
Another Sale
Short story “Contact” sold to Mustang’s Monster Corral. Nice little ezine.
FISH has finally been released by Dagan Books. The ebook edition is available direct from the publisher in both .epub and .mobi versions. (The print version is forthcoming). Check out the amazing cover and then order your copy here.